Top-down Merge Sort


func Merge(s []int) {
	aux := make([]int, len(s))
	var sort func(s S)
	sort = func(s S) {
		if len(s) <= 1 {
		m := len(s) / 2
		merge.MergeInto(s[:m], s[m:], cmp, aux)
		copy(s, aux)

The function merge.MergeInto is an implementation of binary merge algorithm, that stores the result into the provided aux

Bottom-up Merge Sort

Bottom-up merge sort eliminates recursion by using an iterative approach, which avoids the risk of stack overflow


func MergeBU(s []int) {
	n := len(s)
	aux := make([]int, n)
	for sz := 1; sz < n; sz *= 2 {
		for l := 0; l < n-sz; l += 2 * sz {
			m, r := l+sz, min(l+2*sz, n)
			merge.MergeInto(s[l:m], s[m:r], cmp, aux)
			copy(s[l:r], aux)

The function merge.MergeInto is an implementation of binary merge algorithm, that stores the result into the provided aux

Sorting Linked Lists

A bottom-up mergesort is the method of choice for sorting data organized in a linked list . Consider the list to be sorted sublists of size 1, then pass through to make sorted subarrays of size 2 linked together, then size 4, and so forth. This method rearranges the links to sort the list in place (without creating any new list nodes)


Worst TimeAverage TimeBest TimeWorst SpaceAverage SpaceStabilityAdaptive
StableNon Adaptive
