
  • Begin a transaction. DB.BeginTx begins a new transaction, returning an sql.Tx that represents it
  • Perform database operations using an sql.Tx
  • End the transaction with one of the following:
    • Commit using Tx.Commit. If it succeeds, all queries and updates are confirmed and applied atomically. If it fails, discard all results from Query and Exec as invalid
    • Rollback using Tx.Rollback. Even if it fails, the transaction remains invalid and won’t be committed. A Tx.Rollback call after a successful Tx.Commit is a no-op

Prepared Statements

Using DB.Exec

When executing DB.Exec without placeholder parameters, a prepared statement will not be utilized
The connection will be released to the pool automatically

When executing DB.Exec with placeholder parameters, a new prepared statement will be used under the hood for each invocation
The connection will be released to the pool automatically

Using DB.Query

When executing DB.Query without placeholder parameters, a prepared statement will not be used
The connection will be released to the pool automatically when the returned rows are iterated or after the call to Rows.Close()

When executing DB.Query with placeholder parameters, a new prepared statement will be used under the hood for each invocation
The connection will be released to the pool automatically when the returned rows are iterated or after the call to Rows.Close()

Using DB.Prepare

When executing DB.Prepare, a new prepared statement will be used once for all the invocations in the given connection
The connection will be released to the pool after the call to Stmt.Close()

Using pgx

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