
Confidentiality can be tested through a game where Eve tries to guess which of two randomly chosen messages, ​ or ​, was encrypted by Alice. If the encryption is confidential, Eve’s probability of guessing correctly should be ​, as if she had not seen the ciphertext at all

This experiment can be adapted to different threat models. In the chosen-plaintext attack (CPA) model, Eve can trick Alice into encrypting messages of her choice but cannot force Alice to decrypt ciphertexts. The encryption is secure under this model if Eve still cannot distinguish between ​ and ​, which is called indistinguishability under chosen-plaintext attack (IND-CPA)

In an IND-CPA game:

  1. Eve chooses two different messages, ​ and ​, and sends them to Alice
  2. Alice chooses  uniformly at random, and sends the encrypted message  back to Eve
  3. Eve can ask Alice to encrypt other messages as part of a chosen-plaintext attack (CPA) to gather information about which message was sent
  4. Eve then guesses whether the encrypted message is  or 

If Eve guesses correctly with a probability greater than ​, the encryption is not secure. If her probability is ​ or less, the encryption is IND-CPA secure, meaning Eve has learned nothing about the message

Because in step 3 Eve can ask for the encryption of ​ or ​, any deterministic encryption scheme is not IND-CPA secure. This forces any IND-CPA secure scheme to be non-deterministic

There are a few important caveats:

  1. The messages  and  must be of the same length. This is to account for the fact that cryptosystems usually leak plaintext length
  2. Eve is limited to polynomially-bounded number of encryptions. Any algorithm Eve uses during the game must run in  time for some constant 
  3. Eve only wins if she has a non-negligible advantage. For example, the scheme might use a 128-bit key, and Eve can break the scheme if she guesses the key (with probability ). While this is technically a valid attack, the probability is so small that it’s practically impossible
