Degrading Capability with a More Restrictive Interface

We can embed an interface in a struct that will act as a wrapper for the original value
This technique can be used to restrict the interfaces the original value implements

For example, the io.ReaderFrom is defined as:

type ReaderFrom interface {
    ReadFrom(r Reader) (n int64, err error)

The os.File type implements this interface, and inside its ReadFrom method, it invokes:

func genericReadFrom(f *File, r io.Reader) (int64, error) {
	return io.Copy(onlyWriter{f}, r)

It uses io.Copy to copy from r to f, but instead of passing f directly, it wraps it in an onlyWriter struct:

type onlyWriter struct {

To understand why, we should look at what io.Copy does. If its destination implements io.ReaderFrom, it will invoke ReadFrom. But this brings us back in a circle, since we ended up in io.Copy when File.ReadFrom was called. This causes an infinite recursion

By wrapping f in the call to io.Copy, what io.Copy gets is not a type that implements io.ReaderFrom, but only a type that implements io.Writer. It will then call the Write method of our File and avoid the infinite recursion trap of ReadFrom

Note that, we can use an anonymous wrapper struct:

return io.Copy(struct{ io.Writer }{f}, r)

Method Interception

We can define a struct with an embedded interface to intercept its method(s)
When such a struct is initialized with a proper value implementing the interface for the embedded field, it ‘inherits’ all the methods of that value
The key insight is that we can intercept any method we wish, leaving all the others intact

For example, we can implement middleware to provide logging. To achieve this, we need to capture the HTTP status code from the handler:

type statusRecorder struct {
	status int
func (rec *statusRecorder) WriteHeader(code int) {
	rec.status = code
func logware(h http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		// Initialize the status to 200 in case WriteHeader is not called
		rec := statusRecorder{w, 200}
		h.ServeHTTP(&rec, r)
		log.Printf("response status: %v\n", rec.status)

We can use the middleware as follows:

func main() {
func handle(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
